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Hilton Textiles are honored to welcome you to London's oldest and most established African Textiles outlet. A Family Run business since 1969, we're specialists in West African Fashion. As an official distributor of Vlisco we have a wonderful range of exclusive designs and prints. We also partner with the most prestigious European manufacturers including  HKG, FILTEX, JULIUS HOLLAND, VEBA and BAUER. With unique and exclusive designs in our Swiss and Austrian laces to our unique Bazin and Voile collection we are sure you will find your perfect fabric at Hilton Textiles - The home of African Fabrics.

Articles & News

vlisco wax prints offical partners hilton textiles

Unraveling the Rich History of African Fabrics

African fabrics have roots that stretch back thousands of years, reflecting the ingenuity and creativity of...

how to wash your african wax print fabric

DIY Projects with African Fabrics

Transform plain garments into statement pieces by adding touches of African fabric. Sew colorful Ankara patches onto denim jackets, jeans, or tote bags...

vlisco a leading textile company in african fashion

Made in Holland

In the heart of the Netherlands lies a humble town named Helmond, an unlikely birthplace for what would become the epitome of African haute couture. This unassuming locale holds the origins of one of West and Central Africa's...
african fabrics by julius holland wax print

The Legacy of Veba Brocade

Veba Brocade, renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance, holds a storied history rooted in the rich textile traditions of West Africa...

vlisco wax prints offical partners hilton textiles

Celebrating 170 Years of Vlisco

Celebrating 170 years of Vlisco As one of their official partners, Hilton Textiles are joining together with Vlisco in celebrating 170...

how to wash your african wax print fabric

How to Wash Your African Wax

Cherished by the people, African wax print fabrics as they are whether they are gifted to someone as a present or bought as a preferred handpicked...

vlisco a leading textile company in african fashion

Vlisco - a Leading Textile Company

Vilsco is a big name in African clothing and African fashion due to its remarkable fabric. The Dutch based company started its operation in 1846...

african fabrics by julius holland wax print

African Fabrics by Julius Holland

Fashion trends have been stimulated in different parts of the world through the vast variety of African Fabrics and textiles...

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